folks who make this place run!
Sanna took me for a walk in the woods, and I met her dog and chickens.
After working on a new poem and having my official artist-in-residence photograph taken, I went for a swim
in the Ii river. Cold even for me, and no sauna before! The temperature here is mid-60s but going down to the 50s. Signs of autumn everywhere as I pick bilberries, similar to blueberries but smaller. The lingonberries are out too, tart and red. I had them with my yogurt for breakfast, and also ate local apples.
KultuuriKauppila is know for its ART Ii Biennale and in the woods near the residency, you can see the MY NAME IS NATURE: Please Fuck Me sign made by Sami artist Carola Grahn
who I met in New York a couple of years ago. Not everyone around here is pleased with this, but I think it makes a necessary statement.
It looks amazing there! So beautiful and peaceful. Glad you are
Thank you cousin. I am glad you had fun in Portugal. Finland is both traditional and flamboyant. That's my sense of it.