Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Picking Cloud Berries near Kiruna in Swedish Lapland; arrival in Stockholm

Just arrived in Stockholm and will try to post my photos of the amazing cloudberry experience from yesterday when Lena, Kaisa, Lena's mom and five-year old nephew Ailo went to pick the elusive yellow cloud berry, native to Lapland and having the best showing in years. We drove half an hour outside of Kiruna, and had to cross the train tracks  and walk two kilometers to Kaisa's ancestral Sami village to get them..they grow low to the ground in bogs, in mossy patches you see the red and yellow staring up at you... so we had to wear our boots and rain pants and rain jackets and walk through tundra and turf battling hordes of hungry mosquitoes to get some of the reddish yellow delight, and I only lasted half an hour but found part of a reindeer jaw as my reward for being a wimp.  Kaisa's mom Anna laughed at the measly output in my bucket...later she made homemade waffles, cloudberry jam and whipped cream...oh my God  so delicious.. I had the rain fell I sat in the warm cottage reading my book (Netherland by Joseph O'Neill) while the others picked berries out by the lake to beat the Norwegian tourists out of the berries everyone covets (they are allowed on private land in Sweden)...but Kaisa's mom said in Northern Sami language, so it was lost on me, that since they just had a tragedy, they will let the tourists pick the berries near their cottage, cut them some slack just this once. Kaisa thankfully translated..her English is to come...Stockholm is lovely in July...back to urban energy...

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